Anita Wolfson, 95 years young, can be found most mornings exercising or doing yoga at Parker’s Health and Wellness Center. Anita was also among the first to join Parker’s Health & Wellness Center when it opened to the public in 2009. She particularly enjoys the environment and the people: “[The trainers] are really easy to work with, they’re caring and they’re conscientious and they make you feel welcome all the time,” Anita says, singling out for special praise center coordinator Lori Morell. “When Lori came in with her expertise, it really became a beautiful wellness center where everybody is taken care of and offered so much more [than other places]. Your personnel, like most other things here, is pretty state-of-the-art.”

Her face brightening like an incandescent bulb when she describes her love for yoga: “I like the fact that it’s kept in that [small] environment, rather than when you go into one of those gyms and it’s as big as a football field and there are a thousand machines and it’s very overwhelming.”

Anita stresses the importance of her feeling independent when asked about what motivates her each day and how she keeps #WithIt. “I’ve never lost that feeling naturally,” she says. “I know very definitely that I am able to help people, and as long as I can be helpful and extend good energy to other people, then I have a reason for being here.”


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I love to dance and keep moving all the time. Rock and Roll, slow dancing, any kind of dancing.

Doris Clark

Porchon-LynchI don’t believe in focusing on age; Don’t let age determine what YOU CAN and cannot DO

Tao Porchon-Lynch

I’ve learned that most of what I thought I knew about the aging process was wrong. That staying in the dark serves powerful commercial and political interests that don’t serve mine.

Mary Stewart Long Island, NY

Aging does not cripple you. Aging will change your philosophy on life if you’ll accept that it’s different, accept it gracefully and don’t be ashamed of yourself.

Leonard Aarons

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